Things me and my plushies like to do together!
This page was written just for fun, but to be fair, this whole website was made mostly just for fun in the first place!
Arts & Crafts: Having a stuffie or two while I'm drawing or doing craft projects makes them a lot more fun for me. Sometimes they even give me ideas while I'm working! They usually just sit and admire my creations, though.
Journaling: For me, this is similar to arts and crafts, as I don't really journal the same way most people would, in fact I tend to use my journals more like commonplace books, especially if I have a specific theme I'm going for. Anyways, journaling with a stuffed friend can be pretty nice... until they start talking your head off while you're trying to write something important.
Reading: Cuddling with one of my larger plushies while reading a book in bed is one of the coziest feelings ever.
Sleeping: Not exactly an activity, per se, but I love sleeping with a stuffie or two (or three or four...). I rarely have nightmares, but when they do happen they are usually pretty bad. If I wake up from a nightmare, the plushie I'm sleeping with lets me hug it until I calm down.
TV: While I'm not much of a TV person, I do still enjoy watching movies and cartoons with my stuffed friends every once in a while.
Video Games: I don't always have a plushie with me when I'm playing video games, but they do like watching me play Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft. I also play games such as Boomerang Fu and Super Smash Bros, because they also get to play with me (er, kinda. Don't tell them I said this, but I always have them set as bot/CPU/etc, otherwise I would NEVER win!)